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Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery

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Peer Reviewed Publications in Medical Journals

  1. Ejaz AA, Fitzpatrick PM, Durkin AJ, Wasiluk A, Haley WE, Goalen MJ, Ing TS, Zachariah PK. “Pathophysiology of peritoneal fluid eosinophilia in peritoneal dialysis patients.” Nephron. 1999 Feb; 81(2): 125-130.
  2. Durkin AJ. Bloomston M, Murr M, Rosemurgy AS. “Financial Status Does Not Predict Weight Loss”. Obesity Surgery. 1999 Dec; 9(6): 524-526.
  3. Bloomston M, Boyce W, ,Mamel J, Albrink M, Murr M, Durkin AJ, Rosemurgy A. “Videoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia—results beyond short-term follow-up.” Journal of Surgical Research. 2000 Aug; 92(2): 150-156.
  4. Ejaz AA, Fitzpatrick PM, Haley WE, Wasiluk A, Durkin AJ, Zachariah PK. “Amlodipine besylate induced acute interstitial nephritis”. Nephron. 2000 Aug; 85(4): 354-256.
  5. Rosemurgy AS, Zervos EE, Bloomston M, Durkin AJ, Clark WC, Goff S. Post-shunt resource consumption favors small-diameter prosthetic H-graft portacaval shunt over TIPS for patients with poor hepatic reserve”. Annals of Surgery. 2003 Jun; 237(6): 820-825.
  6. Durkin AJ, Bloomston PM, Rosemurgy AS, Giarelli N, Cojita D, Yeatman TJ, Zervos EE. “Defining the role of the epidermal growth factor receptor in pancreatic cancer cells grown in vitro”. American Journal of Surgery. 2003 Nov; 186(5): 431-436.
  7. Zervos EE, Rosemurgy AS, Al-Saif O, Durkin AJ. “Surgical management of early-stage pancreatic cancer”. Cancer Control. 2004 Jan; 11(1): 23-31.
  8. Bloomston M, Durkin AJ, Boyce HW, Johnson M, Rosemurgy AS. “Early results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy do not necessarily predict long-term outcome”. American Journal of Surgery. 2004 Mar; 187(3): 403-407.
  9. Bloomston M, Durkin AJ, Yang I, Rojiani M, Rosemurgy AS, Enkemann S, Yeatman TJ, Zervos EE. “Identification of molecular markers specific for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors by genetic profiling of core biopsies”. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2004 Apr; 11(4): 413-419
  10. Durkin AJ, Bloomston M, Yeatman TJ, Gilbert-Barness E, Cojita D, Rosemurgy AS, Zervos EE. “Differential Expression of the Tie-2 receptor and its ligands in human pancreatic tumors”. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2004 Nov; 199(5): 724-731.
  11. Zervos E, Pearson H, Durkin AJ, Thometz D, Kelley S, Carey LC, Rosemurgy AS. “In-Continuity Hepatic Resection for Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma: Survival and Complications”. American Journal of Surgery. 2004 Nov; 188(5): 584-88.
  12. Durkin AJ, Korkolis DP, Al-Saif O, Zervos E. “Full-term gestation and transvaginal delivery after wide resection of an abdominal desmoid tumor during pregnancy”. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2005 Feb 1; 89(2): 86-90.
  13. Durkin AJ, Osborne D, Yeatman T, Rosemurgy AS, Armstrong C, Zervos EE. “EGF receptor antagonism inhibits cellular growth and provides a survival benefit in a murine model of pancreatic adenocarcinoma”. Journal of Surgical Research. 2006 May 5.
  14. Zervos EE, Osborne D, Goldin SB, Villadolid DV, Thometz DP, Durkin AJ, Carey LC, Rosemurgy AS. “Stage does not predict survival after resection of hilar cholangiocarcinomas promoting an aggressive operative approach”. American Journal of Surgery. 2005 Nov, 190(5); 810-15.
  15. Durkin AJ, Sagi HC, Durham R, Flint L. “Contemporary Management of Pelvic Fractures”. American Journal of Surgery 2006 192(2); 211-223.
  16. Zervos EE, Durkin AJ, Villadolid D, Vohra N. Laparoscopic Resection of Extraadrenal Pheochromocytoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2007 Nov 7- ACCEPTED (ePub available 2007 Dec 15)
  17. Durkin AJ, Hiro M, Smith DJ. The Obesity Imperative: Lessons Learn Moreed. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery. 2008 Jul;61(7):719-21.
  18. Durkin AJ, Pierpont Y, Patel S, Tavana M, Payne WG, Smith DJ, Smith PD. An Algorithmic Approach to Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap Breast Reconstruction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2010 Feb 5
  19. Durkin AJ, Lackey A Single-center, prospective comparison of calcium hydroxylapatite and Vycross-20L in midface rejuvenation: Efficacy and patient-perceived value. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2021
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At Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery in Vero Beach, Dr. Alan Durkin and their team of providers deliver incredible results tailored to your needs in a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere. Learn more about the Ocean Drive difference by scheduling your one-on-one diagnostic consultation with Dr. Durkin or Dr. Chim today.