Most skin tightening methods deliver results via one type of laser, needle, or wavelength and provide a single type of result. Now, with the revolutionary dual-action technology of Renuvion Skin Tightening Vero Beach providers at Ocean Drive Plastic surgery can tighten the skin and reduce fat deposits with immediate fiber contraction and long-lasting collagen production from the same treatment.
What is Renuvion Skin Tightening?
Using two energy-based treatments at the same time, the revolutionary new Renuvion J-Plasma system provides a double-action result. Renuvion uses radiofrequency (RF) energy and cold helium plasma. First, the RF heats tissues causing micro-damage resulting in gradual collagen production and, ultimately, firmer, thicker skin over time. At the same time, using the same instrument, cold helium plasma is activated in the area, which cools the deep tissues quickly and efficiently. A much higher and more effective treatment temperature can be reached with the RF due to this rapid cooling. This all means that more significant results can be seen from the RF over time, as well as immediate fiber contraction from the plasma. Renuvion is unique in this dual-action result.