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What is Kybella?

Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery has long established itself as a nationally recognized center for noninvasive and invasive facial aesthetics. We have always prided ourselves on offering the finest and safest treatments available to our cosmetic patients. To date, available technologies have shown great effectiveness in facial rejuvenation, but have yielded disappointing results regarding neck rejuvenation. Enter Kybella, a first-in-class injectable therapy for treatment of excessive neck fat. Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable therapy that targets the fullness and excess fat in the midportion of necks in both men and women.

Kybella, formerly known as ATX-101, is a derivative of naturally occurring deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is produced naturally in the human digestive system, and works to emulsify and dissolve fats in a healthy, physiologic fashion. Through a minimally invasive injection technique, Dr. Durkin is able to deliver Kybella into the fat cells of the lower neck, allowing the medication to permanently dissolve excess fat in the midportion of the neck. The procedure is done without the need for sedation. Pain is minimal during the procedure, but some do complain of crampy soreness for ~1 day after treatment. Bruising can occur after injection, but it commonly resolves after a few days.

There is no need for work absence with Kybella Vero Beach patients may resume normal exercise 48 hours after treatment without any restrictions.

Vero Beach Kybella model with blonde hair

Am I a Candidate for Kybella?

While many patients with submental fullness are candidates for Kybella therapy, not everyone with an aged neck is a candidate for this treatment. Appropriate candidates then undergo a sonic skin massage to the neck, followed by application of a topical numbing cream.

After fifteen minutes of numbing, Dr. Durkin and his assistant will make a number of erasable drawings on your neck. Next, after the skin is adequately sedated, small injections of numbing medication are injected into the neck to ensure the area is pain free. The area is then treated with a series of Kybella injections into the superficial neck. Kybella then bonds to subcutaneous fat cells, causing them to enter what is called a “lytic” phase, and ultimately dissolve away. During therapy, the area remains under cool air and cold compresses to maximize patient comfort, and minimize their pain. Arnica Montana is provided as a courtesy to all injectable clients to minimize post-procedural bruising.

Kybella targets the submental fat of the male and female neck. While it provides a small degree of skin tightening, it does not directly target and treat excess skin. Kybella is also ineffective in treating platysmal bands, also called “neck cords”. After the fifteen minute injection procedure patients will commonly develop mild swelling to the lower neck, which can persist during Kybella’s active phase. Bruising at the injection sites is also common, but resolves on its own within a few days. Patients may require anywhere from two to four treatments to achieve their best result. Cost of Kybella varies depending upon the area treated and the volume used, but ball park pricing places each treatment between $900 and $2000.

Vero Beach Kybella Before & After
Vero Beach Kybella Before & After

Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery is honored to be the first practice on the Treasure Coast chosen to offer Kybella.

In appropriately selected patients, Kybella has shown itself to be incredibly effective in permanently removing submental fat, and treating the proverbial “double chin”. This product has shown significant effectiveness in the male and female neck, and projects to be the leading injectable therapy delivered to male patients by the end of 2016. Kybella represents a true, quantum leap forward in noninvasive plastic surgery of the neck.

It is a true first-in-class treatment that has already made an impact on the plastic surgery community. Demand for Kybella therapy has been literally off the charts, especially in metropolitan California and New York. Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery was one of only 49 plastic surgery and dermatology offices chosen to launch Kybella in Florida. We look forward to discussing the next generation of noninvasive neck rejuvenation with you at our office or medical spas located in Vero Beach, and Melbourne, FL.

Kybella Double Chin Treatment

A youthful neck is a sign of vitality, youth, and fertility in both men and women. As we age, our neck begins to sag due to loose, inelastic skin, loss of muscle tightness, and because of weight gain. Of all factors, weight gain and development of excess neck fat has the greatest negative effect on our neck contour. Neck contour can be classified in four different categories:

Neck Contour infographic
  • There is a huge demand for nonsurgical and surgical therapy of the neck.
  • People who are willing to undergo surgical, and/or nonsurgical treatments to improve their neck line are in the majority of Americans, not the minority.

At Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery, we evaluate each person separately, and define the best overall treatment plan in conjunction with the patient. Our primary goal is to provide the best possible result in the safest possible fashion with the least amount of surgery. Kybella has opened up an entirely new method for neck rejuvenation, and we are so incredibly proud to be on the forefront of this breakthrough treatment. As one of the first 49 practices nationwide to be selected to offer Kybella, our experience with this treatment is unsurpassed. This new addition to our armamentarium against aging allows appropriately selected patients unwilling to undergo surgery to rejuvenate their neck area with a series of short clinic visits.

The Kybella Procedure

Patients undergo a comprehensive facial evaluation with Dr. Durkin prior to any therapy. For patients that undergo Kybella, the neck is thoroughly washed with an alcohol based sterilizing pad, followed by a sonic massage. Next, markings are made along the following areas:

  • sternocleidomastoid muscles
  • Inferior mandible (aka the lower border of the jawbone)
  • Thyroid prominence (aka Adam’s Apple)

The photographs below shows the markings described above. This patient received 5.2cc of Kybella in her first treatment. On her second treatment, the area had already shrunk down and contracted, and she received 3.8cc of Kybella. Her third treatment required 3.2cc. Her final results after three treatments were fantastic, which is very common with this injectable. While Kythera commonly recommends six treatments, the majority of our patients only require 3-4 with our injection technique.

Vero Beach Kybella model in red swimsuit
Vero beach kybella patient
Neck anatomical infographic
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At Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery in Vero Beach, Dr. Alan Durkin and their team of providers deliver incredible results tailored to your needs in a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere. Learn more about the Ocean Drive difference by scheduling your one-on-one diagnostic consultation with Dr. Durkin or Dr. Chim today.